Exhibitions - Temporary exhibitions

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Displaying from 37 to 48 of 87 results available

Christmas 2013

EULÀLIA VALLDOSERA ECONOMY OF DIVINE CHANCE The Christmas carol emerges from a process of reinvestment of the production costs of a work of art, starting from the purchase and reinstallation of objects just as they have been presented in the illegal stalls which the poorest people set up on the fringes of legal markets as a way of surviving.

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The Joan Miró Foundation presents Insomnia, an exhibition about film as a material for contemporary art. Curated by Neus Miró, the show brings together a series of international artists who have explored film in the period from the sixties to the present.

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Projection, curated by Martina Millà in close collaboration with Mona Hatoum, is the artist’s first solo exhibition in Barcelona. The show gathers close to forty pieces from the past twenty years -although her recent work prevails- and aims to open up our view of this artist and position her beyond the geopolitical references that have become almost synonymous with her production.

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Let Us Face the Future. British art 1945-1968

Let Us Face the Future takes a journey through British art from the end of the Second World War to the late sixties and shows, for the first time in Spain, eighty-eight works by British artists from 1945-1968, on loan from the collections of British Council, the Arts Council, Tate and Pallant House Gallery in Chichester, as well as other public and private collections.

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