Press office

Fundació Joan Miró Press Office:

Tel +34 934 439 070

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Images available free of rights

For journalistic purposes, we make available a selection of views of the Fundació building and its permanent collection. Feel free to download them using the following credit line:

© Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona

Please find the credit line at each image.

Welcome to the Fundació Joan Miró Press Office. Here you will find all press materials related to our collection, our temporary exhibitions and other activities held at the Fundació Joan Miró. The Press Office takes care of interview requests, inquiries, professional visits, as well as photo and recording requests for journalistic purposes. We also provide written, visual and audiovisual materials on our exhibitions and activities to media, journalists, and art critics.


266 news

The Fundació Joan Miró presents how from here, the new Espai 13 season of exhibitions for 2025

The season includes four newly-produced exhibitions by local and international artists who explore how the environment in which they work has an impact on their creative practices and processes.

Curated by Carolina Jiménez, the programme examines the links between art and place to imagine alternative forms of cohabitation.

More information sobre "La Fundació Joan Miró presenta com des d’aquí, el nou cicle d’exposicions de l’Espai 13 per al 2025"

<p><strong id="docs-internal-guid-4ae2076e-7fff-c1ea-9a40-5f2a45a67061">Roda de premsa E13 Ens acompanyarem quan es faci fosc &copy; Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona. Fotografia de Pep Herrero.</strong></p>

We Will Keep Each Other Company When It Gets Dark

We Will Keep Each Other Company When It Gets Dark, the Espai 13 season for 2024 curated by Irina Mutt, is a desire to situate interdependence, to explain it and share it, expressed through four solo exhibitions in which each artist will take a look at their way of being in the world, of managing and agreeing spaces. 

More information sobre "L’Espai 13 de la Fundació Joan Miró, dedicat des del seu inici a l’art emergent, presenta el nou cicle d’exposicions d’aquesta temporada Ens companyarem quan es faci fosc, i dóna el tret de sortida a la celebració del 45è aniversari"