The Fundació Joan Miró presents No Comment, the third in the Espai 13 season of exhibitions We Will Keep Each Other Company When It Grows Dark, curated by Irina Mutt. This is the British artist Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley’s first solo show in bcn.

Espai 13

No Commment, by Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley. “We will keep each other company when it grows dark” Espai 13 programme curated by Irina Mutt © Fundació Joan Miró, Barce" >
No Commment, by Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley. “We will keep each other company when it grows dark” Espai 13 programme curated by Irina Mutt © Fundació Joan Miró, Barce
  • No Comment is the third of the exhibitions in the season We Will Keep Each Other Company When It Grows Dark and Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley’s first solo show in Barcelona.
  • The exhibition uses video games to generate archives about the lives of Black and Trans people.
  • An interactive exhibition that questions identity, values and the capacity for empathy.
  • We Will Keep Each Other Company When It Grows Dark is the season presented in Espai 13 by the Fundació Joan Miró for 2024 with the support of the Fundació Banc Sabadell. Curated by Irina Mutt, the season stems from a desire to situate interdependence, to explain it and share it through four solo exhibitions in which each artist will present their particular way of being in the world and of managing and agreeing the spaces through which they pass.

Images and material for the press are available at You can follow Espai 13 activities on social media using the hashtag #EnsAcompanyaremEspai13.