Exhibitions - Photography in the Foyer

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Displaying from 1 to 12 of 35 results available

Prats Is Quality

This exhibition of photographs by Joaquim Gomis brings together a selection of the extensive account that this close friend of Joan Miró and Joan Prats gave of the hat shop that the Prats family owned in Rambla de Catalunya.

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Between 2006 and 2009, the years leading up to the global financial crisis, Juande Jarillo (Granada, 1969) spent his free time seeking out moments of people gathering together or crossing paths in Barcelona. Jarillo set up his camera in different locations in the city centre, sometimes riding the tourist bus, and waiting for the precise moment when a conjunction of forms, an interplay of gazes and reflections, or a composition of figures or of urban artefacts would unfold. His aim was to capture the almost invisible textures, light and vectors that cross the urban landscape at a given moment.

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