General Activities Archive

278 results available
La mort i la primavera

Bees and Literature

Reading and commentary of La mort i la primavera (Death in Spring), by Mercè Rodoreda, led by poet Arnau Pons and Andrea Valdés, journalist and writer.

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Architecture Day

To celebrate Setmana d’Arquitectura 2018 (Architecture Week), we propose a conversation during a walk through the Fundació, a workshop for imagining a greener city, a documentary screening on Josep Lluís Sert and a drawing workshop focused on the Fundació building.

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Hola, Miró!!!

Hola, Miró!!! Workshop

Hands-on activity for discovering the permanent collection, the Fundació building and its relationship with the landscape, inspired by Swasky’s book Hola, Miró!!! A Travel Sketch Journal.

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2nd Gravitations show

Collaborative art and education project that links the Espai 13 - devoted to emerging artists - with a group of students enrolled in a batxillerat artístic (a high school programme specializing in art).

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