Presentation Cristian Herrera EN RESiDÈNCIA: The Agonists

As part of the programme EN RESiDÈNCIA and with the mediation of the Fundació Joan Miró, the artist Cristian Herrera and a group of second year pupils at the secondary school INS Bosc de Montjuïc have explored the relationship between nature and culture in human behaviour. To transmit this reflection, the artist has employed the metaphor of sports competitions and wrestling games, which may be understood as ways in which to channel some of our most primal instincts with the application of rules, protocols and limits. Perhaps education, too, is a means of controlling violence.
In the course of the school year, the pupils have designed and produced some pieces of armour to protect parts of the body, as well as a tool-cum-weapon with which to break these. Wearing this armour, each pupil has engaged in ritualised combat, governed by rules, with a classmate. The aim of this combat is to break the classmate's armour without harming him or her. The resultant work is a video installation which can be seen in Room 14 at the Fundació Joan Miró, until 24 June.
Room 14
Tuesday, 5 June at 5 pm
Free admission
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