Miró and the Object
From 1 November 2015 to 15 January 2016
Guided tour
This monographic exhibition is the first specific inquiry into the role of the object in the work of Joan Miró. Curated by William Jeffet, Miró and the Object looks at how the artist began with pictorial representations of objects and then moved on to physically incorporating them in his works through collage and assemblage, before finally arriving at sculpture.
about "Miró and the Object"
Open Day La Mercè 2015
24 September 2015 from 10am to 8pm
Open Day at Fundació Joan Miró on the occasion of La Mercè festivity.
about "Open Day La Mercè 2015"
Free guided tour of the temporary exhibition Miró and the Object
Catalan: Saturdays at 11 am
Spanish: Saturdays at 12.30 pm
Guided tour
This monographic exhibition is the first specific inquiry into the role of the object in the work of Joan Miró. Curated by William Jeffet, Miró and the Object looks at how the artist began with pictorial representations of objects and then moved on to physically incorporating them in his works through collage and assemblage, before finally arriving at sculpture.
about "Free guided tour of the temporary exhibition Miró and the Object"
Presentation of the video Mercuri Splash
5 November 2015, at 7.30 pm
This video documents the tribute which the Fundació Joan Miró paid to its first vice-president, Professor Alexandre Cirici Pellicer (1914-1983), on 9 July 2015.
about "Presentation of the video Mercuri Splash"
Dance performance by Lali Ayguadé
24 November
First session: 7 pm
Second session: 7.45 pm
Entre dos, performance by Lali Ayguadé.
«An object is created and gradually wears out and deteriorates. A person is born with a flexible body and grows old, eventually losing mobility.
about "Dance performance by Lali Ayguadé"
Cyanotypes. Objects and landscapes
Saturdays 28 November and 12 December 2015
Schedule: 10 am to 2 pm
Photography workshop for young people and adults
Cyanotype is an early monochromatic photographic printing process that can be used to make a cyan-blue copy of an object or an image, known as a blueprint.
about "Cyanotypes. Objects and landscapes"
Presentation of the book The Miró Eye
10 December 2015, at 7 pm
Activities at Jacques Dupin Library
In one of his notebooks from the 1940s, Joan Miró jots down some of the projects he would like to pursue: "...create an album with beautiful photographs of objects that I have found and embellish it with a pochoir or a coloured lithograph, with a poetic text or poem, or even a poem of my own.
about "Presentation of the book The Miró Eye"
La Masía. Un Miró para Mrs. Hemingway
4 February 2016, at 7pm
Activities at Jacques Dupin Library
Launch of the book by Àlex Fernández de Castro, with the participation of Rosa Maria Malet, Director of the Fundació Joan Miró; Elena Juncosa, coordinator of the Mas Miró project, and Carme Manuel, Director of the Biblioteca Javier Coy d’Estudis Nord-americans and Professor of English Philology at the University of Valencia.
about "La Masía. Un Miró para Mrs. Hemingway"
Launch of the Lesson 0 publication and ¿Y el arte? by Priscila Fernandes
11 February 2016, at 7pm
Activities at Jacques Dupin Library
Launch of the Lesson 0 publication and of the Catalan and Spanish translations of the book ¿Y el arte? by Priscila Fernandes
The publication documenting the Lesson 0 exhibition program includes all related activities held at Espai 13 and beyond the walls of the Fundació.
about "Launch of the Lesson 0 publication and ¿Y el arte? by Priscila Fernandes"
Launch of the publication Self-organization. DIY Practices
10 March 2016, at 7pm
Activities at Jacques Dupin Library
In this publication, the author Antonio Ortega traces the genealogy of DIY art practices from the 1960s until the present. To do so, he calls upon a personal selection of artists who gave a new turn to their work process allowing them to gain authority over the narrative.
about "Launch of the publication Self-organization. DIY Practices"
Avant-garde architecture in Barcelona. The art and design of GATCPAC
The modern movement and contemporary art
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Fundació Joan Miró
19.00 Presentation of the guide map Arquitectura d’avantguarda a Barcelona.
about "Avant-garde architecture in Barcelona. The art and design of GATCPAC"
Critical Hedonism Presentation
Wednesday 16 March 2016, at 7 pm
El Palomar’s project for the Espai 13 exhibition programme When Lines are Time revolves around the creation of a critical moment and its subsequent disintegration.
about "Critical Hedonism Presentation"