General Activities Archive

278 results available

Art Without an Aura

Printed reproductions are an example of the democratization of art and its integration into everyday life. Think about it: you probably have reproductions of works of art at home, such as postcards, posters or prints. We invite you to take photographs of places in your home where you have posters or postcards on display with reproductions of famous works of art, and then share them on social media using the hashtag #MiróADLAN.

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Standing and Sitting

Performance by artist Ivo Sans during a seven-hour work day session, accompanied by three collaborators as part of the Sampler Series, organized by L’Auditori de Barcelona and focusing on new music.

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Joan Miró, Modern Art and the Legacies of (Art) Historical Archives

The curators of the exhibition Miró-ADLAN: An Archive of Modernity (1932-1936) will be joined by Anne Umland (MoMA) and Marko Daniel (Fundació Joan Miró) for an hour-long conversation about the position of Joan Miró within the history of modern art, his role in promoting new art in Barcelona and New York, the spaces in which his work was exhibited during the 1930s, and the importance of archives (personal and institutional) in mapping the relations between artists and the local contexts in which they produced and exhibited their work.

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ADLAN and Film

The Fundació Joan Miró is participating in the Per amor a les arts series with proposals along the lines of its programming. This session, linked to the exhibition Miró-ADLAN. An Archive of Modernity (1932-1936), could easily have been programmed by the members of ADLAN (Amics de l’Art Nou [Friends of New Art]), who, as so many European intellectuals of their times, were fascinated by the origins of film.

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Time recovered

In the framework of the Barcelona Architecture Week, and as a BARQ Festival collateral event, the short films made by 50 students from ETSAB and from Elisava during the practical workshop Architecture and Cinema conducted by Maria Mauti. After the screening of the short films, a round table discussion will be held with the participation of the authors, representatives of the Institutions that support the project, and personalities from the world of the University, Cinema and Architecture.

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The Studio of My Dreams

An online conversation between the exhibition’s curator Martina Millà and the artists Enric Farrés Duran and Xavier Ristol. In reading the correspondence between Joan Miró and the architect Josep Lluís Sert, Enric Farrés Duran and Xavier Ristol discovered that Miró "dreamed of a large studio." The requirements for the ideal studio became the focus of their project for the Shared Studios. Three Case Studies exhibition.

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