Families Activities Archive

86 results available

Espai 13

The Island of Stormy Stories

Based on Buñuelos de huracán (Hurricane Fritters), the book by Pep Bruno and Carla Besora published by A buen paso, you will find out about a baker who cooks fritters that are capable of whisking you off on a trip you’ll never forget.

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Architecture and Landscape


Gwendolyn the gnome and her friend Matilda the bird have built a house so they can live together.

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Joan Miró Collection

Pop Up

Teatro delle Briciole theatre company, Parma

Have you ever thought that a pop-up book could become the star of a show? Well, some of these pop-up books will tell you a most evocative story.

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Joan Miró Collection

Shhh… El col·leccionista de sons

Factoría Los Sánchez & Imaginary Landscape

Shhh... a forest, a collector of sounds looking for the most valuable piece in his collection... Songs coming out of unexpected places and hidden music waiting for us at every step.

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Espai 13

La festa espacial

Mutant, fantastical and fragile structures will be raised. Euphoric constructions, at once autonomous and unstable, playful in spirit, which interrelate with other fixed, robust structures until the boundaries between the two temporarily blur.

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Joan Miró Collection

Agu Trot

Mima Teatre

2016 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Roald Dahl, one of the most celebrated writers of children’s books. Based on his novel Agu Trot  (originally published in English as Esio Trot), Mima Teatre commemorates this event by turning Dahl’s book into a play.

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Espai 13

Què s’amaga dins el bosc?

Working with the idea put forward by the illustrator Aina Bestard in her books Què s’amaga dins el bosc? and Què s’amaga dins el mar?, we will put into practice the magical RGB technique, drawing in layers and with only three colours.

More information about "Què s’amaga dins el bosc?"

Espai 13

L' objecte invisible

Would you like to find the objects hidden in paper? Do you enjoy making unexpected discoveries? In this blueprint workshop, participants will explore and create a world of blue-tinted images.

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Espai 13

Arquitectura i paisatge

Architecture is all around us, offering us spaces that can be experienced in many ways. Through various simultaneous activities in different areas of the Foundation, this workshop offers the opportunity to observe architecture, play with it, construct it, experiment with it.

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Espai 13

Familimiró presentation

Constel·la’t! Do you want to become a space explorer? Create a constellation and invent its story. You can leave your imprint on our astronomical chart and take your own bit of sky home with you.

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Espai 13


Combining squares, rectangles, circles and triangles we can invent all sorts of characters. They will come to life by becoming articulated puppets that will jump onto the stage at the end of the workshop.

More information about "Titelles!"

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