Fundació Joan Miró and Fundació "la Caixa" present the film Carved by the Light. Sert/Miró
This is the third audiovisual project stemming from a new stage of collaboration between the Fundació Joan Miró and the Fundació "la Caixa" that aims to continue bringing culture to the widest possible audience, now also in the dig
ital sphere through the CaixaForum+ platform.Carved by Light. Sert/Miró is a multifaceted poetic portrait of the Fundació Joan Miró building directed by Niccolò Bruna and produced by 15L Films. The documentary follows how the foundation’s archive was transferred from the extension spaces designed by Jaume Freixa to the original spaces designed by Miró and Sert.
CaixaForum+ will premiere the documentary on Friday 7 July.