We will keep each other company when it grows dark

Espai 13

Exhibition program
We will keep each other company when it grows dark
Espai 13
Curated by
Irina Mutt

https://www.fmirobcn.org/en/foundation/press/Ens acompanyarem quan es faci fosc (We Will Keep Each Other Company when It Grows Dark) is the title of the Espai 13 exhibition programme for 2024, curated by Irina Mutt. Mutt's curatorial project stems from a desire to situate interdependence, to explain it and share it by means of four solo exhibitions in which each artist will look at their way of being in the world, of managing and negotiating spaces. 

According to Mutt, interdependence speaks to us of our relationship with the world, of how we inhabit it, about our limits and vulnerabilities. To think in terms of interdependence requires us to challenge the fiction of autonomy and to recognise how interlinked our bodies and lives are with other bodies and lives. We are all part of everything, and we exist in relation to other beings, structures, and phenomena. Nothing presents itself, functions or operates in isolation. 

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Alba Mayol
02.02 - 14.04.2024

Inari Sandell
26.04 - 07.07.2024

Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley
19.07 - 20.10.2024

Hac Vinent
31.10.2024 - 19.01.2025

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In collaboration with:

  • Fundació Banc Sabadell
