
Temporary exhibitions

Mona Hatoum
Curated by
Martina Millà

Projection, curated by Martina Millà in close collaboration with Mona Hatoum, is the artist's first solo exhibition in Barcelona. The show gathers close to forty pieces from the past twenty years -although her recent work prevails- and aims to open up our view of this artist and position her beyond the geopolitical references that have become almost synonymous with her production.

With this ensemble of installations, videos, sculptures, photographs and works on paper, Mona Hatoum. Projection aims to subtly upend the semantic field that we usually associate with Hatoum and offer new possibilities, intuit new meanings and invite viewers to engage in a more complex, renewed interpretation of her world and her vast body of work. What emerges here is an artist who establishes a dialogue with modern art movements such as Surrealism, Minimalism, Arte Povera, body art, land art and site-specific art, among others. 

Mona Hatoum is a pioneer in opening up art practices to non-Western realities while revealing the connections between Western culture and transnational cultural and political events.

The Palestinian/British artist Mona Hatoum (Beirut, 1952) was awarded the Joan Miró Prize in 2011, "for her ability to connect personal experience with universal values," according to the jury statement. The prize sought to highlight the artist's commitment to the human values of all cultures and societies, "similar to Miró's view of mankind after his experience of three devastating wars." Hatoum's sculptures, installations, performances and videos have made her one of the major figures in art today.