Spontaneous Computing

Espai 13

Exhibition program
Cycle: "Singular Electrics"
Xavier Hurtado
Curated by
Jorge Luis Marzo, Rosa Sánchez i Tere Badia

Spontaneous Computing is a multimedia installation that is a tongue-in-cheek reflection on man's relationship with the computer, and shows us machines that cease to be tools and become independent beings beyond the user's control.

The installation consists of a space with two computers linked to each other as in a multi-player game: conversations with words, games, sound, graphics and joysticks all operating on their own. As background images, there are video projections referring to their comments.

The spectator enters a space that looks like a laboratory, occupied solely by the computers and the monitor. He or she will probably be attracted to the machines and will sit down in front of one of them to try it. The computer will ignore the visitor, continuing its dialogue or game with the other computer and even answering the visitor rather impertinently.

In Spontaneous Computing the machines live their lives independently from man, keeping up a conversation in which the spectator intervenes and tries to act as a third interlocutor, but fails to do so.