Lluerna: Correspondences

Seminars and live art

In the fourth Lluerna, we will be turning our attention to the art of correspondence as a form of creation. Thus, this edition is aimed at artists who have explored letters as a theme or methodology. Registrations are welcomed from individuals or from pairs of correspondents.

Throughout his life, Miró corresponded with a network of artists of his day. The autumn exhibition at the Fundació Joan Miró is centred on the relationship between Miró and Picasso and features letters they wrote to each other. One of the people that Miró corresponded with most prolifically was Josep Lluís Sert. Letters, maquettes and photographs sent from Barcelona to New York and from Mallorca to Paris make up a body of work that documents the creation of the foundation's building in Barcelona. These exchanges place thinking at their heart and are evidence of the artistic and personal affinities between the two men.

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1 hour 30 minutes


Auditorium and Carob Tree Patio


20 January 2024 at 6.30 pm


€5, €3 Friends of the Fundació Joan Miró

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