DIY politics in the essay film

In spring 2017, the Fundació Joan Miró will be staging Self-Organisation. DIY Practices, an exhibition curated by Antonio Ortega that traces the genealogy of do-it-yourself artistic practices from the sixties to the present. Prior to the exhibition, the Foundation will be organising activities linked with DIY.
DIY politics in the essay film
Artist and researcher Núria Gómez Gabriel in conversation with Gonzalo de Lucas, lecturer in film at the UPF and programmer for the Xcèntric film season (CCCB)
DIY politics in the essay film seeks to revise the historical overview of film-making practices that question the models of the major film industries in order to put forward other visual economies based on autonomy and material (self)-organisation systems.
Thursday 6th October 2016, at 7pm
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