Symposium When Lines are Time

A symposium organised as an integral part of an exhibition programme: the symposium understood as a specific opportunity for the exchange of contents and ideas. Various different lines and moments intersect in the definition of this symposium: the reassessment of the idea of history itself, the temporal development of an art centre, the work of artists and creators in relation to the past, the present, and the future, as well as the repetition, reiteration, and acceptance of other pasts or futures to be shared.
9.30 am
Doors open and registration
Screening of the documentary film Les Variacions Gould (1992) by Manuel Huerga
10 am
Welcome remarks and introduction by Martí Manen, curator of the exhibition series
10.15 am
Victoria Browne, Lecturer in Politics at Oxford Brookes University
Concerning 'Feminism, Time, and Nonlinear History' (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)
(In English, with simultaneous translation)
11.30 am
Sara Arrhenius, Director, Bonniers Konsthall (Stockholm)
Exhibitions, Working with Artists and Temporalities on Production
(In English, with simultaneous translation)
1 pm
2.30 pm
Alexandra Laudo, independent curator
One Compass, Two Metronomes, John Cage, Many Clocks, and the Midnight Sun
3.30 pm
Jesús Alcaide, art critic and independent curator
Pepe Espaliú_ Barcelona_Three Moments
4.30 pm
Conversation between Ane Rodríguez, Director, Tabakalera (Centro Internacional de Cultura Contemporánea, Donostia / San Sebastián) and Maria Inés Rodríguez, Director of the CAPC Musée d'art contemporain (Bordeaux)
Tabakalera and CAPC Bordeaux, institutions and temporary situations.
5.30 pm
Final questions and conclusions
Thursday 12 May 2016
Free admission
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