A Thing, a Cause, a Cosmos. Barcelona Dibuixa 2023

We in the Fundació Joan Miró are once again participating in the city's great festival of drawing, Barcelona Drawing. This year we invite you to join the workshop A Thing, a Cause, a Cosmos, run by Xavi Rodríguez Martín, in which we will be drawing using the technique of engraving and creating a communal artist's book.
The activity is related to the exhibition Miró-Picasso, two artists who created a new language, a symbology of dots, lines and blots. In this workshop, we will be using the technique of engraving to produce drawings that will become a new compositional world. We will be drawing symbols and playing with the composition and the unconscious to create a 'still uncertain' thing, a new cosmos, through causality and communal work.
North Patio, Fundació Joan Miró
29 October 2023 from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm.
Free workshop with no prior booking required (does not include admission to the museum)
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