Closing of the Espai 13 Exhibition Series: concert by Pylar and presentation of the publication

Presentation of the publication and closing party for the Interregnum exhibition, by Pilar Cruz, curator of the programme, at 6 pm
Concert by Pylar: Audio-traumatic murmurs. Interplanetary cracklings of the primordial magnetosphere , at 6.30 pm
With an imaginary that feeds off the occult and sacred sciences, especially pagan ones, PYLAR (a musical group from Seville) navigates through the depths of history and mysticism to create sound pieces capable of transporting the listeners to a time that never existed.
PYLAR uses vibration as a border between perceived reality and unassailable phenomena. The sheer scale of everything that is negated to us by the senses is so immense that it induces cosmic horror, the sort of terror that paralysed us at the awakening of our consciousness and forced us to create gods to be able to endure our own existence.
To close the Interregnum exhibition, PYLAR will produce a sonic crevice with an unusual mixture of electronic and acoustic instruments deformed by unbearably random modules.
Espai 13
Saturday 7 September, at 6 pm
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