Presentation of the book "Joan Miró – Mestres Quadreny, Suite miroir"

Painting, poetry and music are languages that share the same interior space - the space occupied by emotions. The interconnection between these disciplines is one of the core themes of the book Joan Miró - Mestres Quadreny, Suite miroir by Marta Cureses, which focuses on the work of Joan Miró and Mestres Quadreny, two sensitive creators who employed particular techniques to break down barriers between genres and disciplines.
The book also explores Joan Miró's links with sonic experimentation of his time, referring to composers such as Edgar Varèse, Karlheinz Stockhausen and John Cage, and his close friendship with the composer Josep Maria Mestres Quadreny.
Mestres Quadreny combined his studies in chemistry with his training as a composer. In the book, the author describes the strong impression that Miró made on Quadreny, both as a person and an artist, when he visited Mont-roig with Joan Prats and Joan Brossa. For the first time, he saw the objects that had inspired Miró's early works and he was overawed by the artist's meticulousness and sense of order.
Mestres Quadreny belongs to the avant-garde movement, to which music was a late arrival. Both Quadreny and Miró viewed modern art - sound creation, the plastic arts, poetry - as a form of questioning and criticism of art itself.
Thursday, 6 June, at 7 pm
Free activity
Prior reservation: confirmacions(ELIMINAR)
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