Miró. His Most Intimate Legacy

One aspect of Joan Miró that few people are familiar with is that he was a collector. He built a collection based on works that he kept for himself or that he gave to his wife, Pilar, and their daughter, Dolors, and four grandchildren.

The exhibition Miró. His Most Intimate Legacy shows us the artist's more personal side and his relationship with his family, illustrated by various documents and photographs.

The tours for people with impaired vision consist of a visit with commentary consisting of audio descriptions and relief images of the works, as well as a reading of 'Miró's words' in interviews or letters that he sent to his family.


2 h


Exhibition rooms


Arranged on request



Tours for people with impaired vision

Suggested ages



Minimum Apropa rate: €25/group

Reduced Apropa rate: €50/group

Supporting material

Tactile materials


Bookings must be made in advance on the Apropa Cultura website

Interested individual members of the public should email reserves(ELIMINAR)@fmirobcn.org

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