Opening the Archive 04. Portrait of Miró

Temporary exhibitions

Archive of the Fundació Joan Miró
Curated by
Teresa Muntaner and Elena Escolar

After his exile in Paris during the Spanish Civil War, Joan Miró tried his hand at printmaking and the possibilities it offered. As a result, he and Louis Marcoussis, worked in partnership to make Portrait of Miró.

Marcoussis started the process by engraving Miró's face onto the plate in a realistic manner, portraying the artist with the tools of his craft as a painter. Miró superimposed onto his physical features elements of his imaginary, like stars, planets, flames and beings of assorted kinds, as well as calligraphic inscriptions that point to his desire to become a painter-poet.

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Louis Marcoussis and Joan Miró. Portrait of Miró, 1938. Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona. © Successió Miró, 2024.

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In collaboration with:

  • Fundació Vila Casas