
We in the Fundació Joan Miró are mindful of the importance of protecting the environment. It was this conviction that prompted us to embrace a commitment to ongoing improvement to achieve sustainable development that respects our surroundings.

In 2023, we were awarded the accolade given to organisations in the EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) for ten years, in our case the period from 2012 to 2022. This recognition has strengthened our commitment and the motivation of each and every person that is a part of the foundation. We are proud to have achieved this with the support of everyone, from the foundation’s team to suppliers and external collaborators, as well as visitors to the institution.

Our eco-management system enables us to assess the environmental impact associated with our activity. This knowledge informs a process of ongoing improvement in our day-to-day work, our aim being to minimise this impact and to put in place control measures that make it possible to optimise our operations and ensure efficiency.

Marga Sala
Managing Director of the Fundació Joan Miró

Environmental Statement 2022

Environmental certificate