Let's make a clay picture
Observe How did Joan Miró begin? The starting point for this work is a more or less rectangular, flat piece of clay, measuring 80 x 50 cm, worked on both sides.
Creative Families is a proposal for experimenting art with your family. It is meant to be experienced in two ways: in the Fundació galleries and through the website. In the galleries, families will discover the artist's world; then, once home, through the website, they will put things into practice with workshops meant to encourage creativity and artistic expression.
We invite you to share your results through our Families Pinterest and to participate this way in a large group show.
Observe How did Joan Miró begin? The starting point for this work is a more or less rectangular, flat piece of clay, measuring 80 x 50 cm, worked on both sides.
Have you ever altered an image you liked by painting or drawing on it, cutting it out or sticking bits of paper to it? Miró painted on works depicting landscapes created by other people. We invite you to give a new form to pictures on paper that you find at home in an activity associated with the exhibition Miró. His Most Intimate Legacy, taking as the basis for this exercise the work Personatge a la sortida del sol al costat d’un riu (Figure at Sunrise next to a River, 10 July 1965).
Have you ever thought that the objects around us and that we use on a regular basis could be combined to make structure? The result would be strange and surprising. It would retain the shape of every object and it would be a different thing too, one that is new and original. Shall we have a go?
A proposal coinciding with the exhibition The Point of Sculpture
Coinciding with the exhibition Miró-ADLAN. An Archive of Modernity (1932-1936), we want to offer you a special Creative Families activity based on the works that Miró made with a pochoir or stencil technique. We also encourage you to set up your own little exhibition at home (in the entrance, the dining room or in a bedroom, for example), design an invitation, and invite whoever you want to come and see it.
Have you ever drawn, painted or done a collage on a wall, and it stayed there forever? How about on a large piece of paper that was hung on the wall for a few days? If you did this, then you have done a mural, either permanent or ephemeral. Now we invite you to create a mural using a piece of cloth, as if it were a large wall.
What are textures? When we see and touch a tree trunk, the surface of a street, a wall, a piece of wood, a rock, a basket or a bag, we realise they all have something different about them. With this activity you can create a landscape inhabited by strange characters with different textures.