Blog Fundació Joan Miró Fundació Joan Miró

I Dream of A Large Studio

What do artists need to work under good enough conditions? A place where they can develop their work without (too many) strictures? A room of their own? Enric Farrés Duran and Xavier Ristol are projecting their dream studio with features that are both physical and intangible, for the exhibition Shared Studios. Three Case Studies. A specific kind of light, an environment, a mental space where all sorts of random encounters may occur.

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Rue Blomet, a Space for Poetry

Miró dreamt of a large studio. At one point or another, all artists have dreamt of a large studio – a creative space that would enable them to build their utterly personal microcosm. Coinciding with the exhibition Shared Studios. Three Case Studies, which explores the experiences and affinities of artists working in the same space, we wanted to look back at one of Miró’s first studios, in the Paris of the 1920s, at 45 Rue Blomet.

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