Blog Fundació Joan Miró Fundació Joan Miró

Miró the Wikipedian

Miró didn’t discuss painting, because he said he wasn’t interested in it. To him, painting was a vehicle of expression for the spirit, which is the only thing of interest. As I see it, Wikipedia – as an encyclopaedia – is also just a tool, a tool that allows me to share information with the greatest possible number of people, focusing on the ultimate goal of collaborating to shape the critical spirit of mature citizens who question the world they live in.

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A piece of thread can unleash a world

‘A piece of thread can unleash a world,’ said Miró to express that a blotch, a splash, or a point on a sheet of paper could release an entire creative universe.

In the blog we are opening today, we would also like a concept to be the point of departure for further exploring and opening up new themes that will enrich and complement the original contents.

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